Cleaning a combine harvester is an essential part of crop production. Keeping your machine free from soil pathogens and weed seeds is essential to the success of your crop. It is important to empty the grain auger, which can harbor weed seeds and herbicide-resistant weed seeds. It is also important to remove any residue from the rear axle and spreader assembly, which may have been left behind by the combine during harvest.
After harvest, you need to clean the combine. You need to blow out the dust and debris and clean the grain pan and the engine compartment. Then, you should thoroughly clean the cab. You may also need to clean the augers. A pressure washer is not recommended, since it will damage electrical connectors or shaft seals. In addition to cleaning the combine, you should perform a pre-harvest inspection for any problem areas.
The exterior of the combine harvester should be cleaned. This includes the exhaust, the side pipes, and the ledges behind the access panels. The cleaning process should also include the spreader assembly. The exterior of the combine should be clean as well. The tyres and other parts should also be removed and lubricated. After you've cleaned the exterior, you need to check the interiors.c